Download & distribute flyers and stickers
Write an article for the media
Contact your favourite beer company about their practices and policies in Cambodia
Write to the shareholders of a brewery whose beer is being sold by beer sellers in Cambodia
Make a donation
Download and distribute flyers (rft file)
A6 Just Dying for a Beer? edited to print double-sided 4 flyers per sheet A4
A5 'Killer Beers?' edited to print double-sided 2 flyers per sheet A4Download and distribute stickers (rtf file)
A4 sheet with 65 stickers sticker size 63.5 x 38.2mm 'Killer Beers?'
A4 sheet with 21 stickers sticker size 38.1 x 21.2mm 'Killer Beers?'
Write an article for the media
Press releases
2010 April 19th (press release in pdf)
See also Green and Lubek (2010) a report calling for urgent action by brewers to help reduce workplace risks for beer sellers
2008 April 14th English (rtf 14kb)
2006 English (rtf 37kb)
2006 Dutch (rtf 7.76kb)
Background information written for journalists in 2006 English (rtf 8kb)
See also, Research reports , Press articles and Presentations
Contact your favourite beer company about their current policies in Cambodia
List of breweries/companies & their contact details
Sample letter
For guidelines on writing letters to CEO and other company officers we suggest you look at those produced by Amnesty.
In your letter we recommend you draw on our fair trade standard.
Evidence driven "Fair Wages" ($110 monthly) with additional annual cost to the company or distributor: $660 per woman per year. This would remove the necessity of a second job, which for illiterate women, often means accepting occasional propositions to exchange money for sex, sometimes after drinking with a client to reach a sales quota.
Free HAART (high active antiretroviral therapy) for beer sellers and infected families (estimated cost $110-330 per person per year).
Recognition by International Brewers and local distributors that women beer sellers are "workers" under Cambodian Labour Code and are elligible for all international company benefits and local labour rights.
Behaviour-changing health education about alcohol, AIDS, reproductive health, workplace behaviours prior to start of work, and continuous updates
Sample letter or download (rtf 8kb)
Dear ____________,
I am concerned about your sales practices in South East Asia, especially in Cambodia. I have happily consumed your products in the past. But now, how can you expect me/us to continue using your products when we are aware that 20% of the 'promotional women' in your sales force are HIV positive and could die shortly. Frankly, I abhor your policies in these regions and I would prefer taking my business to a company that does not have such reprehensible practices. However, it is not by firing all the women and shutting down the operation in Cambodia that the problem will go away. Rather, as the employer or "indirect employer" of these women, I/we ask you to respect these three criteria of common sense fairness, as you might do in our own country:
1) Double the remuneration from about $55 /month to a minimum of $110/month. This would remove the necessity of a second job, which for illiterate women, often means accepting occasional propositions to exchange money for sex, sometimes after drinking with a client to reach a sales quota;
2) Provide effective health education to create behaviour changes that prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS in the community.
3) Provide free anti-retroviral therapy to the beer promotion women who are HIV+.
When you signal to me that these conditions are being met, and I learn from various websites that this is indeed being done, I would be happy to (bring back the business of me and my friends / Investors / the investment accounts / rethink about investing in your shares).
Yours Sincerely
Have you contacted a brewery? What was their response?
We'd like to keep a record of the letters/emails you send to breweries and also the responses you receive in return. Please send us a copy by emailing
Write to the shareholders of a brewery whose beer is being sold by beer sellers in Cambodia. See an example of the brief prepared in March 2007 for Heineken shareholders shareholders brief (rtf 88kb) .